The PowerDesigner data model provides various means for customizing and controlling your modeling environment.
Setting CDM/LDM Model Options
You can set CDM/LDM model options by selecting Tools Model Options or right-clicking the diagram background and selecting Model Options.
Setting PDM Model Options
You can set PDM model options by selecting Tools Model Options or right-clicking the diagram background and selecting Model Options.
Setting Data Model Display Preferences
PowerDesigner display preferences allow you to customize the format of object symbols, and the information that is displayed on them. To set data model display preferences, select Tools Display Preferences or right-click the diagram background and select Display Preferences from the contextual menu.
Supported CDM/LDM Notations
PowerDesigner supports the most popular data modeling notations in the CDM and LDM via the notation model option
Viewing and Editing the DBMS Definition File
Each PDM is linked to a definition file that extends the standard PowerDesigner metamodel to provide objects, properties, data types, and generation parameters and templates specific to the language being modeled. Definition files and other resource files are XML files located in the Resource Files directory inside your installation directory, and can be opened and edited in the PowerDesigner Resource Editor.
Extending your Modeling Environment
You can customize and extend PowerDesigner metaclasses, parameters, and file generation with extensions, which can be stored as part of your model or in separate extension files (*.xem) for reuse with other models.
Creating Links with Extended Dependencies
Extended dependencies can be created between any model objects, including between objects in different models. They are used for documentation purposes only, and are not interpreted or checked by PowerDesigner.