Getting Started Using PowerDesigner for Former ERwin Users

This section lists some common tasks that former ERwin users will want to perform with PowerDesigner.


How do I find objects? All the objects in the model are listed, organized by type, in the Browser. PowerDesigner provides various methods for locating your objects:

  • To find the symbol for an object in the Browser: Right-click the object in the Browser and select Find in Diagram.

  • To find the browser entry for an object symbol: Right-click the symbol in the diagram and select Find in Browser.

  • To search for an object: Type CTRL+F to open the Find Objects dialog box. Enter the text to search for (you can use the asterisk as a wild card) and click Find Now. Right-click any of the results choose whether to find it in the Browser or Diagram.

How do I edit objects? You can edit the name of an object by selecting its symbol in the diagram and typing F2. To edit other object properties, double-click the symbol or the object entry in the Browser and enter the necessary information in its property sheet.

How do I share objects? You can share objects between packages and models using shortcuts and replications (see Chapter 11, Shortcuts and Object Replications in the Core Features Guide ).

Packages/Subject Areas

How do I create subject areas? In PowerDesigner, you can create multiple views of your model by adding additional diagrams. You can also divide your model into smaller subdivisions using packages.

  • To add a diagram to your model: Right-click the diagram background and select Diagram > New Diagram > [Diagram Type] .

  • To convert a diagram into a package: Right-click the diagram background and select Diagram > Convert to Package. The Convert Diagram to Package wizard will open, permitting you to name the package and select objects to move into it. The package will appear in the Browser with its own diagram and associated objects. For more information about packages, see "Packages" in Chapter 3, Models of the Core Features Guide .


How do I create a report? PowerDesigner provides wizards to create two different types of report:

  • To create a report about a specific type of object: Select Report > List Report Wizard and follow the wizard instructions.

  • To create a report about multiple object types or the whole model: Select Report > Report Wizard and follow the wizard instructions.

For more information about PowerDesigner reports, see Chapter 6, Reports in the Core Features Guide


How do I create or update a model from a database? Select File > Reverse Engineer > Database and complete the dialog. When updating a model, a Merge dialog will open to allow you to verify the changes to be made before committing them. For more information, see Reverse Engineering a Database into a PDM.

How do I generate a database from my model? Select Database > Generate Database and complete the dialog. For more information, see Generating a Database from a PDM.

How do I update a database from my model? Select Database > Apply Model Changes to Database and complete the dialog. A Database Synchronization window will open to allow you to verify the changes to be made before committing them. For more information, see Modifying a Database.


How do I compare or merge models? Select Tools > Compare Models or Tools > Merge Model. For more information, see Chapter 7, Comparing and Merging Models in the Core Features Guide .