Transform Groups (Teradata)

A transform is a mechanism for creating an external representation of the UDT that is used when exporting and importing data between the client and the Teradata server. This mechanism allows most Teradata client utilities and open APIs to transparently move data to and from a UDT without the need for special logic or metadata.

Transforms usually appear as a named pair of functions or methods (usually referred to as To-SQL and From-SQL to indicate the direction of data flow to and from the database) called a transform group. A transform group is required if the type is to be used in a table.

Transform groups are supported for Teradata v2r6 and higher. PowerDesigner models transform groups as extended objects with a stereotype of <<TransformGroup>>.

Creating a Transform Group

You can create a transform group in any of the following ways:

  • Select Model > Transform Groups to access the List of Transform Groups, and click the Add a Row tool.

  • Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New > Transform Group.

Transform Group Properties

You can modify an object's properties from its property sheet. To open a transform group property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the Transform Groups folder.




Specifies the name of the user-defined type associated with the transform group.

Scripting name: UDT

To sql with

Specifies the function name and parameters to be used as the tosql routine for this transform group, and whether or not it is specific.

Scripting names: ToName, ToParms, ToSpecific

From sql with

Specifies the method or function name and parameters to be used as the fromsql routine for this transform group, and whether or not it is specific and/or instantiable.

Scripting names: FromType, FromName, FromParms, FromSpecific, FromInstance, FromUDT