To create a PDM with support for features specific to the PostgreSQL DBMS family, select the appropriate version in the DBMS field of the New Model dialog. To view these extensions to the PowerDesigner metamodel in the Resource Editor, select Profile node. and expand the
The following sections list the extensions provided for PostgreSQL.
The following extensions are available on the PostgreSQL tab:
Name |
Description |
Template |
The name of the template from which to create the new database, or DEFAULT to use the default template. Scripting name: Template |
Encoding |
Character set encoding to use in the new database. Specify a string constant (e.g., 'SQL_ASCII'), or an integer encoding number, or DEFAULT to use the default encoding. Scripting name: Encoding |
The following extensions are available on the PostgreSQL tab. To display this tab, select BaseType or CompositeType in the Stereotype field on the General tab and click Apply:
Name |
Description |
Definition |
[Composite Type] The composite type is specified by a list of attribute names and data types. This is essentially the same as the row type of a table, but using CREATE TYPE avoids the need to create an actual table when all that is wanted is to define a type. A stand-alone composite type is useful as the argument or return type of a function. Scripting name: CompositeDefinition |
Array delimiter |
[Base Type] Specifies the delimiter character for the array. Scripting name: ExtTypeDelimiter |
Array Element type |
[Base Type] Specifies the type of the array elements. Scripting name: ExtTypeElement |
Input function |
[Base Type] Specifies the name of a function, created by CREATE FUNCTION, which converts data from its external form to the internal form of the type. Scripting name: ExtTypeInput |
Length |
[Base Type] Specifies the internal length of the new type. Scripting name: ExtTypeLength |
Output function |
[Base Type] Specifies the name of a function, created by CREATE FUNCTION, which converts data from its internal form to a form suitable for display. Scripting name: ExtTypeOutput |
By Value |
[Base Type] Specifies that operators and functions which use this data type should be passed an argument by value rather than by reference. Scripting name: ExtTypePassedByValue |
Receive function |
[Base Type] Specifies the name of a function, created by CREATE FUNCTION, which converts data of this type from a form suitable for transmission from another machine to internal form. Scripting name: ExtTypeReceive |
Send function |
[Base Type] Specifies the name of a function, created by CREATE FUNCTION, which converts data of this type into a form suitable for transmission to another machine. Scripting name: ExtTypeSend |
The following extensions are available on the PostgreSQL tab (v8 and higher):
Name |
Description |
Group identifier (id) |
The SYSID clause can be used to choose the PostgreSQL group ID of the new group. This is normally not necessary, but may be useful if you need to recreate a group referenced in the permissions of some object. Scripting name: SysId |
The following extensions are available on the PostgreSQL tab (v8 and higher):
Name |
Description |
Deferrable |
Controls whether the constraint can be deferred. A constraint that is not deferrable will be checked immediately after every command. Checking of constraints that are deferrable may be postponed until the end of the transaction. Only foreign key constraints currently accept this clause. All other constraint types are not deferrable. Scripting name: Deferrable |
Foreign key constraint |
If a constraint is deferrable, this clause specifies the default time to check the constraint. False means the constraint is INITIALLY IMMEDIATE, it is checked after each statement. This is the default. True means the constraint is INITIALLY DEFERRED, it is checked only at the end of the transaction. Scripting name: ForeignKeyConstraintDeferred |
The following extensions are available on the PostgreSQL tab (v8 and higher):
Name |
Description |
Location |
Specifies the directory that will be used for the tablespace. The directory must be specified by an absolute path name. Scripting name: TbspLocation |
Owner |
Specifies the name of the user who will own the tablespace. If omitted, defaults to the user executing the command. Only superusers may create tablespaces, but they can assign ownership of tablespaces to non-superusers. Scripting name: TbspOwner |
The following extensions are available on the General tab (v8 and higher):
Name |
Description |
Is schema |
Specifies that the user is a schema. If TRUE, the user is allowed to create databases. Scripting name: Schema |
Owner |
[schemas] Specifies the owner of the schema. Scripting name: Owner |
The following extensions are available on the PostgreSQL tab (v8 and higher):
Name |
Description |
User identifier (id) |
Specifies the PostgreSQL user ID of the new user. This is normally not necessary, but may be useful if you need to recreate the owner of an orphaned object. Scripting name: SysId |
Create database |
Specifies that the user can create databases. Scripting name: CreateDB |
Create user |
Specifies that the user can create users and turns the user into a superuser who can override all access restrictions. Scripting name: CreateUser |
Validity |
Specifies an absolute time after which the user's password is no longer valid. By default, the password will be valid forever. Scripting name: Validity |
Encrypted password |
Specifies that the password is stored encrypted in the system catalogs. Scripting name: EncryptedPassword |