A full-text index stores information about significant words and their location within a given column. This information is used to quickly compute full-text queries that search for rows with particular words or combinations of words. PowerDesigner models full-text indexes as table indexes with an index type set to "Full Text".
Creating a Full-Text Index
To create a full-text index, you must have already created a catalog:
- Create a standard index and, on the General tab, select FULLTEXT in the Type field.
- Click the Microsoft tab and select a catalog from the list and then specify the type of change tracking required.
Full-Text Index Properties
You can modify an object's properties from its property sheet. To open a full-text index property sheet, double-click its Browser entry.
In addition to the standard index properties, a full-text index has the following additional properties available on the Microsoft tab:
Specifies the full text catalog where the full text index is defined.
Scripting name: FullTextCatalog
Change tracking
Specifies whether or not SQL Server maintains a list of all changes to the indexed data. You can choose between:
off, no population
Scripting name: ChangeTracking