
To create a PDM with support for features specific to the Ingres DBMS family, select the appropriate version in the DBMS field of the New Model dialog. To view these extensions to the PowerDesigner metamodel in the Resource Editor, select Database > Edit Current DBMS and expand the Profile node.

The following sections list the extensions provided for Ingres.


The following extensions are available on the Extended Attributes tab:




Specifies that the column needs a value. This generates the "not default" clause in the sql statement.

Scripting name: NotDefault


The following extensions are available on the Ingres tab:



Default group

Specifies the default group the user belongs to.

Scripting name: DefaultGroup

Expiration date

Specifies an optional expiration date associated with each user. Any valid date can be used. Once the expiration date is reached, the user is no longer able to log on. If the expire_date clause is omitted, the default is noexpire_date.

Scripting name: ExpireDate

External password

Allows a user's password to be authenticated externally to Ingres. The password is passed to an external authentication server for authentication.

Scripting name: ExternalPassword

Limiting security label

Allows a security administrator to restrict the highest security label with which users can connect to Ingres when enforcing mandatory access control (MAC).

Scripting name: LimitingSecurityLabel


Allows a profile to be specified for a particular user. If the profile clause is omitted, the default is noprofile.

Scripting name: Profile