IBM DB2 for z/OS (formerly OS/390)

To create a PDM with support for features specific to the IBM DB2 for z/OS DBMS family, select the appropriate version in the DBMS field of the New Model dialog. To view these extensions to the PowerDesigner metamodel in the Resource Editor, select Database > Edit Current DBMS and expand the Profile node.


Support for IBM DB2 v5.x is deprecated.

The following table lists DB2 objects and their equivalents in PowerDesigner:





Database Partition Group

Extended Object <<DatabasePartitionGroup>>

Distinct Type



Procedure of "Function" type

Index Extension

Extended Object <<IndexExtension>>


Abstract Data Type Procedure


Abstract Data Type


SubView of a View

The following sections list the extensions provided for DB2 for z/OS.

Note: We do not provide documentation for the properties on the Physical Options and certain other tabs, though minimal information is available for them in the Resource Editor. For information about these properties, consult your DBMS reference documentation.


The following extensions are available on the DB2 tab:



Field procedure name

Defines the procedure that will be used as generator/cryptor of values.

Scripting name: ExtFieldProcName

Character subtype

[v6.x and higher] Specifies a subtype for a character string column.

Scripting name: ExtSubtypeData

[up to v6.x] Specifies a subtype for a character string column (column with a CHAR,VARCHAR,or LONG VARCHAR data type). The subtype can proceed from the list defined in extended attribute type T_ForData.

Scripting name: ExtData

Generated value

[v7.x and higher] Indicates that DB2 generates values for the column using the computed column function. If you select Always, the server will send an error message if you try to type a value in the column. If you select By Default, the server uses the computed column value or the value typed for the column.

Scripting name: ExtGeneratedAs

Implicitly hidden

[v9.x and higher] Specifies that the column is not visible in the result for SQL statements unless you explicitly refer to the column by name.

Scripting name: ImplicitlyHidden

As security label

[v8 and higher] Specifies that the column will contain security label values. This also indicates that the table is defined with multi-level security with row level granularity.

Scripting name: SecurityLabel


The following extensions are available on the DB2 tab:



Character Subtype

[v6.x and higher] Specifies a subtype for a character string column.

Scripting name: ExtSubtypeData


The following extensions are available on the DB2 tab:




[v8 and higher] Indicates whether or not the referential constraint is enforced by the database manager during normal operations, such as insert, update, or delete.

Scripting name: Enforced