Reverse Engineering Options Tab

When you reverse engineer a database schema using script files or a data source, you can define rebuild options after reverse engineering.

The rebuild options automatically perform the following tasks after reverse engineering:

Reverse options


Automatically rebuild references when no reference is reversed

Rebuilds references when no references are reverse engineered. The rebuild references feature starts by detecting columns with identical name and data type in different tables. A reference is created between each column belonging to a primary key and a column, with identical name and data type, that does not belong to a primary or a foreign key in another table.

Automatically rebuild primary keys from unique indexes when tables have no key and only one unique index

Rebuilds primary keys using unique indexes when tables have no key and only one unique index.

Automatically reverse tables referenced by selected tables

Reverse engineers the parents of the selected child tables in order to complement the definition of these child tables.

Create symbols

Creates a symbol for each reversed object in the diagram. Otherwise, reversed objects are visible only in the browser.

The layout of the symbols in the diagram will be automatically arranged. In cases where there are a large number of objects with complex interactions, the auto-layout feature is likely to create synonyms of objects to improve the diagram readability. For example, if a table has a large number of references, the auto-layout feature will create a synonym of this table in another location of the diagram in order to improve the diagram presentation.

Apply code to name conversion to reversed objects

Applies the code to name conversion script specified in the model options (see "Naming Conventions" in Chapter 8, Customizing Your Modeling Environment of the Core Features Guide ).

File encoding

Specifies the default file encoding of the files to reverse engineer. Click the ellipsis to the right of the option to change the encoding (see Reverse engineering encoding format).

Block terminator

Specifies the end of block character for the reversed script. By default, displays the value defined in the DBMS, under Script\SQL\Syntax. You can modify this value, in which case it will be saved in the Registry for reuse in other models. You can restore the DBMS value using the Restore from DBMS tool.

Command terminator

Specifies the end of command character for the reversed script. By default, displays the value defined in the DBMS, under Script\SQL\Syntax. You can modify this value, in which case it will be saved in the Registry for reuse in other models. You can restore the DBMS value using the Restore from DBMS tool.

Case sensitive database

Specifies that the database is case sensitive and enables the case sensitive option in the model.

For more information on indexes, rebuilding references and rebuilding primary keys, see Building Physical Diagrams.