Horizontal and Vertical Partitioning and Table Collapsing Checks (PDM)

PowerDesigner provides default model checks to verify the validity of horizontal and vertical partitioning and table collapsing objects.


Description and Correction

Name and code uniqueness

Names and codes must be unique in the model.

Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code

Automatic correction: Appends a number to the duplicate name/code

Existence of partition

[horizontal and vertical partitionings] A partitioning object cannot be empty, it must contain at least one partition.

Manual correction: Delete the partitioning object or create at least one partition in its property sheet

Automatic correction: Deletes empty horizontal partitioning object

Existence of target table

[collapsings] A table collapsing must have a table as result of the collapsing.

Manual correction: Delete the table collapsing object

Automatic correction: None

Unavailable target table

A partition or collapsing object requires a table to act upon.

Manual correction: Delete the partitioning or collapsing with no corresponding table

Automatic correction: Deletes the partitioning or collapsing with no corresponding table