Creating a Synonym

You can create a synonym as follows:

  1. Select Model > Synonyms to open the List of Synonyms.
  2. Click the Create Synonyms tool to open a selection box listing all the available objects in the model on various sub-tabs.

  3. Select one or more objects and click OK.

    Synonyms for each of the selected objects are created in the List of Synonyms. By default, a synonym has the same name as its base object. If the Base Object column is not shown in the list, click the Customize Columns and Filter tool, select Base Object in the list of available columns, and click OK.

  4. Click in the Name column of one of the rows and enter a new name for the synonym. Alternatively, you can click the Properties tool to open the property sheet of the synonym and edit its name and other properties there.

  5. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

For general information about creating objects, see the Objects Core Features Guide.