Trigger and DBMS Trigger Properties

You can modify an object's properties from its property sheet. To open a trigger property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the Triggers or DBMS Triggers folder. The following sections detail the property sheet tabs that contain the properties most commonly entered for triggers.

The General tab contains the following properties:




The name of the item which should be clear and meaningful, and should convey the item's purpose to non-technical users


The technical name of the item used for generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not generally include spaces


Descriptive label for the trigger


Sub-classification used to extend the semantics of an object without changing its structure; it can be predefined or user-defined


Specifies the name of the trigger owner, chosen from the list of users. A trigger can only have one owner, and this is normally the trigger creator.


[Table or view triggers only] Specifies the Table to which the trigger belongs.


[DBMS triggers only] Specifies the scope of the DBMS trigger. You can choose either Schema or Database, and this choice will control the types of events that you can select in the DBMS trigger definition.


Specifies to generate the trigger.


[Read-only] Specifies that the trigger definition has been modified. You modify a trigger definition when you change the trigger template script in the Definition tab of the trigger

Definition Tab

This tab allows you to enter code for the trigger. The following properties are available:




Specifies the template on which the trigger is based.


This button is automatically depressed when you modify the definition of a trigger. You can click the button to restore the template trigger definition.


Specifies the time attribute of the template. The content of the list depends on the values defined in the trigger template and in the Time entry in the Trigger category of the DBMS.


Specifies the event attribute of the template. Click the ellipsis tool to the right of this field to select multiple events (see Defining Triggers with Multiple Events)

For table and view triggers, this field is a list, the content of which depends on the values defined in the trigger template and in the Event entry in the Trigger category of the DBMS. You can add your own events to this entry and they will appear in this list.

For DBMS triggers, this field allows you to enter any text.


[table and view triggers only] Specifies the firing order of trigger.

For information about the tools available on the toolbar, see SQL Editor Tools.

Template Items Tab

This tab lists the trigger template items available for use in the trigger definition (see Trigger Template Items (PDM)).

Preview Tab

This tab displays the SQL code that will be generated for the trigger (see Previewing SQL Statements).