A view is a subset of columns drawn from one or more tables defined by a SQL query, which may specify complex criteria for how the tables are joined.
Creating a View
You can create a view in any of the following ways:
View Properties
You can modify an object's properties from its property sheet. To open a view property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its Browser entry in the Views folder. The following sections detail the property sheet tabs that contain the properties most commonly entered for views.
Working with View Queries
You can edit queries associated with a view from the SQL Query tab of the view property sheet.
Materialized Views
A materialized view is a table containing the results of a query. PowerDesigner supports materialized views for the DB2, HP Neoview, Oracle, and Sybase SQL Anywhere DBMS families.
Using Extended Dependencies for Views
You can create extended dependencies between a view and the tables it depends on. Such links help to make relationships between model objects clearer but are not interpreted and checked by PowerDesigner.