Abstract Data Types (PDM)

An abstract data type (ADT) is a user-defined data type which can encapsulate a range of data values and functions. The functions can be both defined on, and operate on the set of values.

Abstract data types can be used in the following ways in a Physical diagram:

Abstract data type is



You can create an abstract data type of any kind supported by your DBMS.

If you create an abstract data type of type JAVA, you can link it to a Java class in an OOM to access the Java class properties (see Linking an abstract data type to a Java class).

Reverse engineered

An abstract data type in a database can be reverse engineered into a PDM.

If you also reverse engineer the JAVA classes into an OOM, then the abstract data types of the type JAVA in the PDM are automatically linked to the Java classes in the OOM (see Reverse-engineering a PDM linked to an OOM)

For more information on reverse engineering a database into a PDM, see Reverse Engineering a Database into a PDM.

For more information on creating and reverse engineering Java classes into a PowerDesigner Object-Oriented Model, see the Object-Oriented Modeling guide.

Depending on the current DBMS, the following kinds of abstract data types can be created in PowerDesigner:





Fixed length collection of elements

VARRAY (Oracle 8 and higher)


Unfixed length collection of objects

TABLE (Oracle 8 and higher)


Java class

JAVA (Adaptive Server Anywhere, and Adaptive Server Enterprise)


Contains a list of attributes and a list of procedures

OBJECT (Oracle 8 and higher)

SQLJ Object

Contains a list of attributes and a list of procedures

SQLJ OBJECT (Oracle 9i and higher)


Contains a list of attributes

NAMED ROW TYPE (Informix 9.x, and IBM DB2 5.2)


An abstract data type for the Gregorian calendar which has functions defined to do the following:

  • Read and write roman numerals

  • Convert dates from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar

  • Convert dates from the Gregorian calendar to the Julian calendar