Importing Multiple ERwin Files

PowerDesigner provides a wizard to help you import multiple ERwin files.

  1. Select File > Import > Multiple ERwin Files to open the ERwin model import dialog:
    Multiple ERwin Import
  2. Use the Add Directory or Open Files tools to add .xml or .erx files to import to the list.
  3. Use the following checkbox columns (or the equivalent options at the bottom of the dialog) to specify import options for the files.
    • [C]onceptual Data Model - import the file as a CDM
    • [M]erge identical data items - [CDMs only] create a single data item for all entity attributes with the same name (eg "address")
    • [L]ogical Data Model - import the file as an LDM
    • [P]hysical Data Model - import the file as a PDM
    • [I]mplement referential integrity by triggers - [PDMs only]

    You can select to import a single ERwin file as multiple model types. To select multiple files and set the same options for them, click and hold while dragging your cursor over the far-left numbered column.

  4. Specify a Destination Folder in which to create the PowerDesigner models.
  5. Click OK to begin the import. PowerDesigner will import each model and add it to your workspace. Note that to avoid problems of memory allocation when importing many models, the PowerDesigner models are closed by default. To open a model, simply double-click it.