Event Monitors

Event monitors show activity from start to finish, and often consist of both a start and end event record. The most common uses for event monitors are for connections, locks, and statements. PowerDesigner models event monitors as extended objects with a stereotype of <<EventMonitor>>.

Creating an Event Monitor

You can create an event monitor in any of the following ways:

  • Select Model > Event Monitors to access the List of Event Monitors, and click the Add a Row tool.

  • Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New > Event Monitor.

Event Monitor Properties

You can modify an object's properties from its property sheet. To open an event monitor property sheet, double-click its diagram symbol or its Browser entry in the Event Monitors folder.

The following extended attributes are available on the General tab:



Workload management event monitor

Specifies that the event monitor is used for workload management. Selecting this option affects the types that are available in the Type field.

Scripting name: WlmEventMonitor


Specifies the type of event to record

Scripting name: Type

The following extended attributes are available on the DB2 tab:



Write to

Specifies the location where the event monitor will record its information. The other properties on the tab depend on whether you are writing to a table, pipe, or file.

If you are writing to a table, you can additionally associate the event monitor with one or more event monitor groups on the EVMGroup tab. Event monitor groups identify the logical data group for which a target table is being defined, and PowerDesigner models them as extended subobjects with a stereotype of <<EventMonitor>>.

Scripting name: WriteToObject