Oracle Extended Attributes

The following extended attributes are defined by default in the Oracle DBMS.

Abstract Data Types Attributes

The following extended attributes are available for attributes of abstract data types of type OBJECT or SQLJ_OBJECT on the Oracle tab:



Declare REF

Generates a REF modifier on attribute to declare references, which hold pointers to objects.

Scripting name: RefAttribute


The following extended attributes are available on the Oracle tab:



Deferred option of check constraint

Defines the deferred option of a column constraint check. It is used in the definition or create and add items statements.

Scripting name: ExtColumnDeferOption

Name of not null constraint

[v8i and higher] Defines the name of the not null constraint for a column.

Scripting name: ExtNotNullConstraintName

Deferred option of not null constraint

[v8i and higher] Defines the deferred option of a column not null constraint. It is used in "create" and "add" statement items definition.

An empty value means "Not deferrable".

Scripting name: ExtNotNullDeferOption


[v10gR2 and higher] Specifies if column is encrypted.

Scripting name: Encrypted


[v10gR2 and higher] Specifies the algorithm used for encryption.

Scripting name: Algorithm

With salt

[v10gR2 and higher] Specifies if encryption adds salt to encoded data.

Scripting name: EncryptionWithSalt

Identified by Password

[v10gR2 and higher] Identifies by password.

Scripting name: IdentifiedByPassword

Database Packages

The following extended attributes are available on the Oracle tab:



Add serially_reusable pragma on package specification

[v9i and higher] When set to True, defines that the pragma serially_reusable clause must be applied on the database package specification.

Scripting name: IsSpecPragma

Add serially_reusable pragma on package body

[v9i and higher] When set to True, defines that the pragma serially_reusable clause must be applied on the database package body declaration.

Scripting name: IsPragma


The following extended attributes are available on the Oracle tab:



Deferred option of foreign key constraint

Defines the deferred option of a reference. It is used in the definition of create and add items statements.

Scripting name: ExtReferenceDeferOption

Exceptions into

Specifies a table into which Oracle places the ROWIDs of all rows violating the constraint.

Scripting name: ExceptionsInto


[v8i and higher] Specifies whether an enabled constraint is to be enforced.

Specify RELY to enable an existing constraint without enforcement.

Specify NORELY to enable and enforce an existing constraint.

Scripting name: Rely


Disables the integrity constraint.

Scripting name: Disable


Checks that all old data also obeys the constraint.

Scripting name: Validate


The following extended attributes are available on the Oracle tab:



Materialized view log

Specifies the materialized view log associated with the table.

Scripting name: MaterializedViewLog

The following extended attributes are available (for v11g and higher) on the XML properties tab when the table type is set to XML:



Object properties

Specifies that the properties of object tables are essentially the same as those of relational tables.

However, instead of specifying columns, you specify attributes of the object.

Scripting name: XmlTypeObjProperty

Storage type

Specifies that XMLType columns can be stored in LOB, object-relational, or binary XML columns.

Scripting name: XMLTypeStorage

Basic file

Use this clause to specify the traditional LOB storage.

Scripting name: BasicFile

Secure file

Use this clause to specify high-performance LOB.

Scripting name: SecureFile

LOB segment name

Specify the name of the LOB data segment. You cannot use LOB_segname if you specify more than one LOB_item.

Scripting name: LOBSegname

LOB parameters

Use this clause to specify various elements of LOB parameters.

Scripting name: LOBParameters


The following extended attributes are available on the Oracle tab:



Size specification

[v10g and higher] Specifies whether the tablespace is a bigfile or smallfile tablespace. This clause overrides any default tablespace type setting for the database. You can choose from the following settings:

  • bigfile - contains only one datafile or tempfile. The maximum size of the single datafile or tempfile is 128 terabytes (TB) for a tablespace with 32K blocks and 32TB for a tablespace with 8K blocks.

  • smallfile - a traditional Oracle tablespace.

Scripting name: SizeSpecification

Temporary tablespace

Use this option to create a locally managed temporary tablespace, which is an allocation of space in the database that can contain transient data that persists only for the duration of a session. This transient data cannot be recovered after process or instance failure.

Scripting name: Temporary

Undo tablespace

Use this option to create an undo tablespace. When you run the database in automatic undo management mode, Oracle Database manages undo space using the undo tablespace instead of rollback segments. This clause is useful if you are now running in automatic undo management mode but your database was not created in automatic undo management mode.

Scripting name: Undo


The following extended attributes are available on the Oracle tab:



Super view object

[v9i and higher] Used in the UNDER clause to specify the superview the current object view is based on.

Scripting name: ExtObjSuperView

Object view key

[v8i and higher] Specifies the attributes of the object type that will be used as a key to identify each row in the object view.

Scripting name: ExtObjOIDList

Object view type

[v8i and higher] Defines the type of the object view.

Scripting name: ExtObjViewType


When set to TRUE, allows you to create the view regardless of the existence of the base tables or the owner privileges on these tables.

Scripting name: ExtViewForce