Inserting Procedures in a Database Package

A database package is a set of related procedures. When you create a database package, you have to declare the procedures it contains.

PowerDesigner differentiates between:

  • A procedure created in the model.

  • A procedure created in a database package. This procedure only exists in the database package and disappears when you delete the package. In this section, we call it package procedure. You can create a package procedure from a model procedure using the copy feature.

  1. Open the property sheet of the database package and click the Procedures tab.
  2. Click the Insert a Row tool if you want to create procedures in the database package.


    Click the Create from Procedure tool if you want to duplicate existing procedures in the database package. Select the procedures and click OK.

    The procedures appear in the list.

  3. Select a procedure in the list and click the Properties button to open its property sheet.
  4. Specify any appropriate properties.
  5. Click OK to close the property sheet and return to your model.