Adding a Column to a Bitmap Join Index

You can define the list of columns involved in the bitmap join index. These columns proceed from the different dimension tables linked to the base table.

When you create a bitmap join index manually, you have to select columns using the list of columns in the bitmap index property sheet.

When you create a bitmap join index using the rebuild join index feature, the list of columns is initialized with all columns of the tables involved in the join except foreign keys.

  1. Open the bitmap join index property sheet and make sure the bitmap join index has a base table.
  2. Click the Columns tab and then click the Add Columns tool.

    A selection dialog box is displayed, which lists columns to include in the join depending on the selected references.

  3. Select one or more columns in the list and click OK.

    The columns appear in the list of bitmap join index columns.

  4. Click OK.