Automatically Creating Bitmap Join Indexes Through Rebuilding

You can automatically generate a bitmap join index for each fact table and the dimension tables that it references. Each generated bitmap join index consists of the references that link a fact table to all the dimension tables located on a single axis proceeding from the fact table.

A reference between two fact tables does not generate any bitmap join index. A bitmap join index is constrained and can only be defined for tables that are organized in a connected tree.

  1. Select Tools > Rebuild Objects > Rebuild Join Indexes to open the Rebuild Join Indexes dialog box, and select one of the following modes:

    • Delete and Rebuild - all existing indexes are deleted before join index rebuild.

    • Preserve - preserves all existing join indexes in the PDM.

  2. Click the Selection tab, select one or more fact tables in the list, and then click OK.

    A confirmation box asks if you want to continue.

  3. Click Yes to generate a bitmap join index for each fact table.

    Automatically generated bitmap join indexes appear in the list of join indexes. To display the list, select Model > Join Indexes.