End Points

An end point encapsulates a transport protocol and a port number, and enables SQL Server to communicate over the network. PowerDesigner models end points as extended objects with a stereotype of <<EndPoint>>.

Creating an End Point

You can create an end point in any of the following ways:

  • Select Model > End Points to access the List of End Points, and click the Add a Row tool.

  • Right-click the model or package in the Browser, and select New > End Point.

End Point Properties

You can modify an object's properties from its property sheet. To open an end point property sheet, double-click its Browser entry.

The following extended attributes are available on the Microsoft tab:




Specifies the owner of the endpoint.

Scripting name: Owner


Specifies the state of the endpoint at creation. You can choose between:

  • started

  • stopped

  • disabled

Scripting name: State

Protocol: Name

Specifies the transport protocol to be used by the endpoint. You can choose between:

  • http

  • tcp

Scripting name: Protocol

Protocol: Argument

Allows you to enter arguments for the chosen protocol.

Scripting name: ProtocolArgument

Language: Name

Specifies the type of content to be sent. You can choose between:

  • soap

  • tsql

  • service_broker

  • database_mirroring

Scripting name: Language

Language: Argument

Allows you to enter arguments for the chosen language.

Scripting name: LanguageArgument