Apply Model Changes to Database Dialog Options

There are four tabs of options on this dialog tab controls the main options for database modification.

General tab

The following options are available on this tab:




[required] Specifies the destination directory for the script file.

File name

[required] Specifies the destination filename for the script file.

One file only

Specifies that the generation script is created as a single file. By default, a separate script file is created for each table.

Generation Type

Specifies the type of generation to perform. You can choose between:

  • Script generation - generate a script to be executed on a DBMS at a later time

  • Direct generation – generate a script and execute it on a live database connection

Edit generation script

[available only when direct generation is selected] Opens the generation script in a text editor for review or editing before execution on a live database connection.

Obtains database schema

Select the kind of schema that the model will modify. You can choose between:

  • Using an archive model - Modified PDM is merged with an archived PDM.

  • Using a data source - Modified PDM is merged with a reverse engineered database schema for a live database connection.

  • Using a script file - Modified PDM script file is merged with an existing database script file.

  • Using a model from repository - Modified PDM is merged with a selected version of a PDM consolidated in the repository.

Backup tables

Specifies that any existing table will be copied to temporary backup tables during the modification, and then restored to the updated tables. If this option is not selected, then all existing data will be erased.

Always use create statements/

Use alter statements when possible

Select a radio button to specify whether create statements should always be used to modify database tables, or whether alter statements should be used where possible

Drop temporary tables

[available only when Backup Tables is selected] Specifies that the temporary backup tables are removed after script execution.

Use physical options for temporary tables

[available only when Backup Tables is selected] Specifies that the temporary backup tables are generated with their physical options.

Check model

Specifies that a model check is performed before script generation.

Automatic archive

Creates an archive version of the PDM after generation.

Options Tab

The availability of these options is dependent on the selected DBMS:


Result of selection

Inside/ Outside

Specifies whether and where various constraints will be generated. Note that if alter statements are used to modify tables, then constraints may be generated outside the table even if the inside radio button is selected here.

Index Filter

Specifies which kinds of indexes to generate.


Specifies whether comments are generated.

You can load option settings previously used for database generation via the Settings set bar at the bottom of the tab. For more information, see Quick Launch Selection and Settings Sets.

Format Tab

This tab controls the format of your modification script, and has the same functionality as the equivalent tab in Database Generation (see Database Generation dialog Format tab).

Selection Tab

The Selection tab allows you to specify individual objects to generate, and has the same functionality as the equivalent tab in Database Generation (see Database Generation dialog Selection tab).