Generating Test Data

You can generate test data for some or all of the tables in your PDM in an empty or existing database.

Test data generation typically uses test data profiles that you have previously defined and associated with table columns. If you have not created any data profile definitions, default profiles are used.


As triggers can considerably increase the time required to generate the database and can block insertions, and as they are not needed in this context, we recommend that your do not implement triggers or remove them if you are using an existing test database.

  1. Select Database > Generate Test Data to open the Test Data Generation dialog box.
  2. On the General tab (see Test Data Generation General tab), specify whether you want to perform a Script, Direct, or Data file generation and complete the appropriate parameters.
  3. [optional] To change the number of rows to be generated for specific tables, click the Number of Rows tab (see Test Data Generation Number of Rows tab).
  4. [optional] To modify script formatting options, click the Format tab (see Test Data Generation Format tab).
  5. [optional] To control which tables will have test data generated, click the Selection tab and select or deselect tables as appropriate.
  6. Click OK to start the generation.

    If you are generating a test data script, then a Result dialog box asks you if you want to Edit or Close the newly generated file.

    If you are generating test data to a live database connection, then a Connect to a Data Source dialog box opens. Select a data source, and then click Connect.

    A message in the Output window indicates that the test data generation is completed.