Connecting to a Database

PowerDesigner provides various methods for connecting to your database.

Before connecting to your database for the first time, you will have to configure a PowerDesigner connection profile. Your choice will depend on the interface that you have installed:

You have

Configure a connection of type:

ODBC driver

ODBC machine or file data source

DBMS client

Native connection profile

JDBC driver

JDBC connection profile

For detailed information about creating, configuring, and using connection profiles, see "Connecting to a Database" in Chapter 1, Getting Started with PowerDesigner of the Core Features Guide .

  1. Select Database > Connect to open the Connect to a Data Source window:

  2. Select one of the following radio buttons, depending on your chosen method for connecting to your database:

    • ODBC machine data source

    • ODBC file data source

    • Connection profile (for native, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE DB or DirectConnect connections)

    You can use the tools to the right of the data source field to browse to a new connection profile file or directory, and the Modify and Configure buttons to modify or configure your data source connection.

  3. Enter your user ID and password, and then click Connect. If prompted by your database, you may need to enter additional connection parameters.

    You stay connected until you disconnect or terminate the shell session.

    You can display information about your connection at any time by selecting Database > Connection Information. The amount of information available depends on your DBMS and your connection profile.

    To disconnect from a database, select Database > Disconnect.