Fact Checks (PDM)

PowerDesigner provides default model checks to verify the validity of facts.


Description and Correction

Fact name and code uniqueness

Fact names and codes must be unique in the model.

Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code

Automatic correction: Appends a number to the duplicate name/code

Existence of measure

A fact must have at least one measure.

Manual correction: Create a measure in the Measures tab of the fact property sheet

Automatic correction: None

Fact mapping not defined

A fact must be mapped to tables or views in an operational model in order to be populated by data from this model.

Manual correction: Map the fact to tables or views. You may need to create a data source before you can create the mapping

Automatic correction: Destroys the mapping for the fact. This removes the data source from the Mapping list in the fact Mapping tab

Measure mapping not defined

Fact measures must be mapped to columns in the data source tables or views.

Manual correction: Map the fact measure to columns in the data source

Automatic correction: Destroys the mapping for the measure. This removes the measures that are not mapped to any object in the Measures Mapping tab of the fact Mapping tab