Abstract Data Type Checks (PDM)

PowerDesigner provides default model checks to verify the validity of abstract data types.


Description and Correction

Abstract data type name and code uniqueness

Abstract data type names and codes must be unique in the model.

Manual correction: Modify the duplicate name/code

Automatic correction: Appends a number to the duplicate name/code

Abstract Data Type code maximum length

The code of the ADT is longer than the maximum allowed by the DBMS.

Manual correction: Reduce the length of the code

Automatic correction: Reduces the code to a permissible length

Instantiable object type must have attributes and no abstract procedures

If an abstract data type of type Object (or SQLJ Object) is instantiable (Abstract option not checked), then it must have attributes and no abstract procedure.

Manual correction: Define at least one attribute in the ADT Attributes tab and clear the Abstract option in the procedures property sheet

Automatic correction: None

Abstract object type must not have tables based on it

If an abstract data type of type Object (or SQLJ Object) is not instantiable (Abstract option checked), then it must not have tables based on it.

Manual correction: Set the Based on property to <None> in the tables property sheet

Automatic correction: None