To set display preferences for entities, select , and select the Entity sub-category in the left-hand Category pane.
By default the following properties can be displayed on entity symbols:
Display description
Specifies whether Attributes are displayed on entity symbols. If selected, you can choose between displaying:
All attributes - All attributes:

Primary attributes - Only primary identifier attributes:

Identifying attributes - All identifier attributes:

Display limit - Number of attributes shown depends on defined value. For example, if set to 5:

All identifier attributes for the entity are listed at the bottom of the entity symbol:

Stereotype of the entity.
Comment of the entity. When selected, all other check boxes are deselected, except for Stereotype:

Entity Attributes
By default the following properties can be displayed for entity attributes:
Display description
Data type
Data type for each entity attribute:

Domain or data type
Domain for each entity attribute. You can only display domains when the Data type check box is selected.
Domain of an attribute in an entity. This display option interacts with the selection for Data types. As a result, there are four display options:
Data types - Displays only the data type, if any:

Domains - Displays only the domain, if any:

Data types and Domain - Displays both data type and domain, if any:

Data types and Replace by domains - Displays either data type or domain, if any, and domain if both are present:

<M> indicators are displayed next to each mandatory attribute:

Identifier indicators
<pi> indicators are displayed next to primary identifiers and <ai> indicators next to non-primary identifiers:

Displays the stereotype of the entity attributes
Note: For information about selecting other properties to display, see "Display Preferences" in Chapter 8, Customizing Your Modeling Environment of the Core Features Guide