You create a message table which stores error message information.
Create a table with columns to store the following information:
Column to store...
Error number
Number of the error message that is referenced in the trigger script
Message text
Text of message
Generate the table in your database.
Select .
A dialog box asks you to identify a data source and connection parameters.
Select a data source and fill in connection parameters.
Click Connect.
An SQL query editor box is displayed.
Type an SQL statement to insert a message number and text in the appropriate columns. You can use the following format for example:
insert into table values (error number,'error message')
insert into ERR_MSG values (1004,'The value that you are trying to insert does not exist in the referenced table')
Click Execute.
A message box tells you that the command has been successfully executed.
Click OK.
You return to the SQL query box.
Click Close.