Trigger Template Properties

You can modify a trigger templates properties from its property sheet. The following sections detail the property sheet tabs that contain the properties most commonly entered for trigger templates.

The General tab contains the following properties:




The name of the item which should be clear and meaningful, and should convey the item's purpose to non-technical users


The technical name of the item used for generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not generally include spaces


Descriptive label for the trigger template


Current DBMS

Trigger time

Time attribute of the trigger template. The list displays the values defined in the trigger templates and template items of the current DBMS

Trigger event

Event attribute of the trigger template. The list displays the values defined in the trigger templates and template items of the current DBMS

Trigger name

Name of trigger associated with template

Applies to table triggers or view triggers

For those DBMS that support view triggers, it allows you to define if the trigger template applies to table or view triggers