Trigger Property Sheet Definition Tab

The Definition tab allows you to enter code for the trigger.




Specifies the template on which the trigger is based.


This button is automatically depressed when you modify the definition of a trigger. You can click the button to restore the template trigger definition.


Specifies the time attribute of the template. The content of the list depends on the DBMS


Specifies the event attribute of the template. Click the ellipsis tool to the right of this field to select multiple events.

For table and view triggers, this field is a list, the content of which depends on the DBMS.

For DBMS triggers, this field allows you to enter any text.


[table and view triggers only] Specifies the firing order of trigger.

Time and Event

You can customize the trigger time and event, and you can also handle multiple events on a single trigger.

The time and event lists are filled with the values defined in the trigger template and the values defined in the Time and Event entries in the Trigger category of the DBMS editor. For example, if you define Select as an event in the DBMS definition file, it will appear in the list of events.

For more information about triggers with multiple event, see Defining triggers with multiple events.

For information about the Definition tab toolbar, see SQL Code Definition Toolbars.