Implementing Referential Integrity Between Tables by Triggers

You can implement referential integrity between two tables by a trigger.

  1. Create a reference between two tables, and then double click the reference symbol to open its property sheet.
  2. Click the Integrity tab, and then select Trigger from the Implementation list.
  3. Specify the form of Update and Delete constraints using the radio buttons, and then click OK to return to the diagram.
  4. If you have set the Automatically rebuild triggers model option, then triggers will have been created automatically in the parent and child tables. To verify this, double-click the table symbol to open its property sheet, and then click the Triggers tab. If the triggers are not present,, you will need to rebuild your triggers manually.

    For more information about the Automatically rebuild triggers model option and rebuilding triggers manually, see Rebuilding Triggers.

    For more information about selecting referential integrity options from the Reference property sheet, see Reference Property Sheet Integrity Tab.