Generating Extraction Scripts

The Generate Extraction Script feature allows you to generate script files that will be used to fill and update tables in a data warehouse or data mart database.

The link between the operational database and the data warehouse or data mart database is a relational to relational mapping.

For more information about relational to relational mapping, see "Relational to relational mapping" in Chapter 12, Object Mappings in the Core Features Guide .

You can generate a script file for each data source, you can also select the tables in the data source which select orders will be generated in the script file. The extraction scripts list all the select orders defined in the table mappings.

  1. In the Physical Diagram, select Database > Generate Extraction Script to open the Extraction Script Generation dialog box.

  2. Specify a destination directory for the generated file, and select the Check Model check box if you want to verify the PDM syntax before generation. The name of the script is identical to the name of the data source.
  3. [optional] Click the Options tab and specify any appropriate options. For more information, see Extraction Script Generation Options tab.
  4. [optional] Click the Selection tab, and select the tables that you want to use in the script generation.
  5. Click OK to generate the script files in the specified directory.