Specifies the number of occurrences (one or many) that one entity has relative to another. You define the cardinality for each association link between the association and the entity. You can choose between:
0,1 - There can be zero or one occurrence of the association in relation to one instance of the entity. The association is not mandatory
0,n - There can be zero or many occurrences of the association in relation to one instance of the entity. The association is not mandatory
1,1 - One occurrence of the entity can be related to only one occurrence of the association. The association is mandatory
1,n - One occurrence of the entity can be related to one or many occurrences of the association. The association is mandatory
You can change the default format of cardinalities from the registry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sybase\PowerDesigner <version>\ModelOptions\Conceptual Options
CardinalityNotation=1 (0..1) or 2 (0,1)