Creating an Attribute

You can create an entity attribute using the following tools, available on the Attributes tab in the property sheet of an entity, association, or inheritance:



Add a Row – Creates a new attribute and associated data item.

If you have enabled the Allow Reuse model option (see Setting CDM/LDM Model Options), the new data item can be used as an attribute for other objects.

If you have enabled the Allow Reuse and Unique Code model options and you type the name of an existing data item, it will be automatically reused.

Add Data Item (CDM)/Add Attributes (LDM) - Opens a Selection window listing all the data items/attributes available in the model. Select one or more data items/attributes in the list and then click OK to make them attributes to the object.

If the data item/attribute has not yet been used, it will be linked to the object. If it has already been used, it will be copied (with a modified name if you have enabled the Unique code model option) and the copy attached to the object.

Reuse Data Item

Reuse Data Item (CDM) - Opens a Selection window listing all the data items/attributes available in the model. Select one or more data items/attributes in the list and then click OK to make them attributes to the object.

For general information about creating objects, see the Objects chapter in the Core Features Guide.