You can deploy components to EAServer hosts running Windows, UNIX, and Linux. The version of the PowerBuilder VM on the development computer must also be available on the server. To find out which versions of EAServer and the PowerBuilder VM are available on each platform, contact your sales representative or check the Sybase Web site.
The PowerBuilder VM includes PBVM120.DLL, PBJAG120.DLL, PBDWE120.DLL, and other PowerBuilder files required at runtime. On UNIX and Linux, the shared libraries are called libpbvm120x.ext, libdwe120x.ext, and so forth, where ext is the shared library extension for each platform. EAServer uses a version of the PowerBuilder runtime files, identified by the x at the end of the file name, that does not provide support for Windows API calls or graphical operations, including printing.
Consuming a .NET Web service from a PowerBuilder NVO
If you call a .NET Web service from a PowerBuilder component
running in EAServer, you must
deploy the Sybase.PowerBuilder.WebService.Runtime.dll, Sybase.PowerBuilder.WebService.RuntimeRemoteLoader.dll and
the dynamically generated .NET assembly to the EAServer bin directory.
EAServer supports multiple versions of the PowerBuilder VM on the same server. Components built with different versions of PowerBuilder can coexist on the same server as long as the required version of the PowerBuilder VM is available on the server.
When you deploy a component from PowerBuilder 12.0 to EAServer, the component is associated with the version of the PowerBuilder VM that you are using. The property is set to 12.0 on the All Properties tab page of the component’s property sheet in EAServer Manager for EAServer 5.x. In EAServer 6.x, it displays on the General property page for the component under the CORBA Packages node.
If you do not use the PowerBuilder development environment to deploy a PowerBuilder component to EAServer, you can specify the correct version of the VM for the component on its property sheet in EAServer Manager.
If you deploy a PowerBuilder component to a server that does not have the version of the PowerBuilder VM used in the development environment, the deployed component cannot be instantiated.
To deploy a component to EAServer, create a new project and build the project. The new project lists the objects that will be included and specifies the name of the output library that will contain the generated components.
Making DataWindow definitions available
If your scripts reference DataWindow objects dynamically,
you must check the Include Unreferenced Objects in Consolidated
PBD box in the wizard or painter to make the DataWindow definitions
available to the component.
To deploy a component to EAServer, open the project created by the wizard and select Design>Build Project.
When you deploy components to EAServer, the component generator performs these operations:
Generates CORBA IDL that describes the nonvisual objects you selected for deployment
The IDL is in turn used to build stubs and skeletons. The names of the IDL file, the stubs, and the skeletons are based upon the name of the object.
The component generator stores the new IDL in the Repository subdirectory of the EAServer installation directory.
Generates one or more PBD files for the deployed component
The PBD files are stored in the following subdirectory of the EAServer installation directory: Repository\Component\package\component\Ccookie
where cookie represents the number for this generation of the build. If the library name is not qualified (no path is specified), the component generator prepends a dollar sign ($) to the name. By default, EAServer uses the most recent version of the component.
If deploying to EAServer 6.0 and later, calls the Jaguar Compiler command line tool to wrap the components as EJBs.
This involves mapping the entire PB CORBA package MyPackage to an EJB module mypackage.jar and deploying the EJB-JAR with the same package name.
Deployment also generates Ant XML configuration scripts that you can use to alter the runtime configuation for deployed EJB-JAR components in the EAServer config folder.
If deploying to EAServer 5.x, generates a PROPS file that describes the properties of the EAServer component
The PROPS file is stored in the following subdirectory of the EAServer installation directory: Repository\Component\package-name.
In EAServer 6.0 and later, you can use the EAServer Web Console to configure the cleanup of older versions of PowerBuilder components as a regularly scheduled task (CleanupPBCookies). For earlier versions of EAServer, you can reclaim disk space by removing directories you no longer need using the following procedure:
To delete unwanted directories and PBD files:
Delete all directories except the most recent.
Rename the remaining directory to C1.
Set the value of the pb.cookie property to 1 on the All Properties tab page of the property sheet for the component in EAServer Manager or the Advanced tab page in the Management Console.
Restart EAServer.
Any EAServer component deployed by PowerBuilder automatically uses the code set of the server. If you want your component to use a different code set, set the component’s property to an appropriate value.
In EAServer Manager, you can do this in the Component Properties dialog box on the All Properties tab page. Add the property and specify an appropriate value such as big5 or iso_1. In the Management Console, select a value from the Code Set drop-down list on the General page.
If EAServer was started using the utf-8 codeset and your component returns a string containing the Euro and/or British pound symbol, set the code.set property to cp1252.