The sp_iqstatus stored procedure

The sp_iqstatus stored procedure provides a variety of IQ status information.

The following output is from the sp_iqstatus stored procedure:

Adaptive Server IQ (TM)              Copyright (c) 1992-2006 by Sybase, Inc.
                                     All rights reserved. 
Version:                             12.7.0/040810/P/GA/MS/
                                     Windows 2000/32bit/2006-06-10 09:54:19
Time Now:                            2006-06-11 18:53:34.274
Build Time:                          2006-06-10 09:54:19
File Format:                         23 on 03/18/1999
Server mode:                         IQ Server
Catalog Format:                      2
Stored Procedure Revision:           1
Page Size:                           131072/8192blksz/16bpp
Number of DB Spaces:                 1
Number of Temp Spaces:               1
DB Blocks: 1-5632                    IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN
Temp Blocks: 1-2816                  IQ_SYSTEM_TEMP
Create Time:                         2006-06-03 14:14:06.124
Update Time:                         2006-06-03 14:14:26.687
Main IQ Buffers:                     127, 16Mb
Temporary IQ Buffers:                95, 12Mb
Main IQ Blocks Used:                 4541 of 5632, 80%=35Mb, Max Block#: 5120
Temporary IQ Blocks Used:            65 of 2816, 2%=0Mb, Max Block#: 0
Main Reserved Blocks Available:      512 of 512, 100%=4Mb
Temporary Reserved Blocks Available: 256 of 256, 100%=2Mb
IQ Dynamic Memory:                   Current: 41mb, Max: 41mb
Main IQ Buffers:                     Used: 4, Locked: 0
Temporary IQ Buffers:                Used: 4, Locked: 0
Main IQ I/O:                         I: L168/P2 O: C2/D16/P15 D:0 C:100.0
Temporary IQ I/O:                    I: L862/P0 O: C136/D150/P17 D:132 C:100.0
Other Versions:                      0 = 0Mb
Active Txn Versions:                 0 = C:0Mb/D:0Mb

The following is a key to understanding the Main IQ I/O and Temporary IQ I/O output codes:

Check the following information: