Handling unrepairable problems

In some cases, the sp_iqcheckdb stored procedure does not have access to sufficient valid information to repair consistency problems with indexes, tables, or columns. This section describes the actions you can take to resolve this type of problem.

The following table lists DBCC output messages that indicate problems that DBCC cannot repair. See the section “DBCC error messages” for a more extensive list of DBCC messages.

Table 2-9: Messages for problems DBCC cannot repair

DBCC message


FP Lookup Table Inconsistencies

An unrepairable error, where the 1-byte or 2-byte FP is internally inconsistent.

VDO Incorrect First Available Fields VDO Incorrect Next Available Fields VDO Incorrect Used Count Fields VDO Incorrect In-use Bitvec VDO Incorrect In-use Bitmap VDO Incorrect Partial Bitmap VDO Incorrect Deleted Bitmaps

Unrepairable errors that can cause entire tables to be inaccessible. You must force drop the inconsistent table to resolve these errors.

Blocks with Multiple Owners 1st Multiple Owner PBN

Blocks in use by more than one database object. Drop the object that is reported as inconsistent.

DBCC Meta-data Errors Blockmap Invalid Chunksize Error Count Blockmap Compression Bit Error Count Blockmap Invalid Block Number Error Count

An internal page mapping structure is inconsistent and the object needs to be dropped.

DBCC Inconsistent Disk Block Headers DBCC Decompress Errors

The storage for the object is inconsistent and the object needs to be dropped.

See the following sections for information on resolving these unrepairable problems.