Logging server requests

For isolating some types of problems, especially problems with queries, logging server requests is helpful. You can enable request-level logging in two ways:

Server requests are logged in the server log file *.srvlog. The -zr server startup option enables request-level logging of operations and sets the type of requests to log (ALL, NONE, or SQL). The -zo option redirects request-level logging information to a file separate from the regular log file and -zs limits the size of this file.

You can enable and disable request-level logging without restarting the Sybase IQ server using the sa_server_option stored procedure. The following commands enable request-level logging of a limited set of requests and redirect the output to the file sqllog.txt:

call sa_server_option('request_level_logging','SQL');
call sa_server_option('request_level_log_file',

The following command disables request-level logging:

call sa_server_option('request_level_log_file','');

To view the current settings for the SQL log file and logging level, execute the following statement:

select property('RequestLogFile'),        property('RequestLogging');

To match .iqmsg log and the -zr SQL log entries using connection information, see “Correlating connection information”.

The following output shows the limited requests that are logged, when the server is started with the -zr SQL option. In this example, the user connects to the asiqdemo database, executes the command

SELECT * FROM customer

then disconnects. In the server log, each line is preceded by a datetime stamp, which has been removed from this sample output.

REQUEST conn: 1182240 CONNECT
DONE    conn: 1182240 CONNECT          Conn=1330880449
REQUEST conn: 1182240 STMT_EXECUTE_IMM  "SET TEMPORARY OPTION CONNECTION_AUTHENTICATION='Company=MyComp;Application=DBTools;Signature=4f13d14f3'"
DONE    conn: 1182240 STMT_EXECUTE_IMM 
REQUEST conn: 1182240 STMT_PREPARE      "SELECT user, db_property('IQStore')  FROM SYS.DUMMY"
DONE    conn: 1182240 STMT_PREPARE     Stmt=65536
REQUEST conn: 1182240 STMT_EXECUTE     Stmt=65536 
DONE    conn: 1182240 STMT_EXECUTE 
REQUEST conn: 1182240 STMT_DROP        Stmt=65536 
DONE    conn: 1182240 STMT_DROP 
REQUEST conn: 1182240 STMT_PREPARE      "SELECT default_collation FROM SYS.SYSINFO"
DONE    conn: 1182240 STMT_PREPARE     Stmt=65537
REQUEST conn: 1182240 STMT_EXECUTE     Stmt=65537 
DONE    conn: 1182240 STMT_EXECUTE 
REQUEST conn: 1182240 STMT_DROP        Stmt=65537
DONE    conn: 1182240 STMT_DROP 
REQUEST conn: 1182240 STMT_PREPARE      "SELECT connection_property('charset') FROM SYS.DUMMY"
DONE    conn: 1182240 STMT_PREPARE     Stmt=65538 
REQUEST conn: 1182240 STMT_EXECUTE     Stmt=65538
DONE    conn: 1182240 STMT_EXECUTE
REQUEST conn: 1182240 STMT_DROP        Stmt=65538 
DONE    conn: 1182240 STMT_DROP 
REQUEST conn: 1182240 STMT_PREPARE     "select @@servername"
DONE    conn: 1182240 STMT_PREPARE     Stmt=65539 
REQUEST conn: 1182240 STMT_EXECUTE     Stmt=65539 
DONE    conn: 1182240 STMT_EXECUTE 
REQUEST conn: 1182240 STMT_DROP        Stmt=65539 
DONE    conn: 1182240 STMT_DROP 
DONE    conn: 1182240 STMT_PREPARE     Stmt=65540
REQUEST conn: 1182240 CURSOR_OPEN      Stmt=65540
DONE    conn: 1182240 CURSOR_OPEN      Crsr=65541
REQUEST conn: 1182240 CURSOR_CLOSE     Crsr=65541 
DONE    conn: 1182240 CURSOR_CLOSE 
REQUEST conn: 1182240 STMT_DROP        Stmt=65540
DONE    conn: 1182240 STMT_DROP 
REQUEST conn: 1182240 STMT_PREPARE     "select * from customer"
DONE    conn: 1182240 STMT_PREPARE     Stmt=65542 
REQUEST conn: 1182240 CURSOR_OPEN      Stmt=65542 
DONE    conn: 1182240 CURSOR_OPEN      Crsr=65543 
REQUEST conn: 1182240 CURSOR_EXPLAIN   Crsr=65543 
DONE    conn: 1182240 CURSOR_EXPLAIN 
REQUEST conn: 1182240 CURSOR_CLOSE     Crsr=65543 
DONE    conn: 1182240 CURSOR_CLOSE 
REQUEST conn: 1182240 STMT_DROP        Stmt=65542 
DONE    conn: 1182240 STMT_DROP 
DONE    conn: 1182240 DISCONNECT

For more information on request-level logging, see the section “Server command-line switches” in Chapter 1, “Running the Database Server” of the Sybase IQ Utility Guide and “sa_server_option system procedure” in Chapter 10, “System Procedures”of the Sybase IQ Reference Manual.