-f recovery option


Force the database server to start after the transaction log has been lost.


start_asiq -n server-name [ other-server-options ] -f


If there is a transaction log in the same directory as the database, the database server carries out a checkpoint recovery of the Catalog, and a recovery using the transaction log, and then terminates—it does not continue to run. You can then restart the database server without the -f option for normal operation.

If there is no transaction log, the database server carries out a checkpoint recovery of the database and then terminates—it does not continue to run. You can then restart the database server without the -f option for normal operation.

WARNING! While using the -f option can usually bring the server back online, it also very frequently results in corruption of the database, because it bypasses replay of transactions. The resulting corruption may not be encountered until a later time and usually cannot be repaired. This procedure is highly risky and is not recommended except in extreme cases. You may also need to do a forced recovery (-iqfrec) to reopen the database.


start_asiq -n bad_server -x 'tcpip(port=7934}'
-gd dba -f