Technical Support may ask you to set the -zr option on the start_asiq command in your configuration file. This server startup option sets the request logging level to track statements sent to the server. Parameters are ALL, NONE, or SQL. The option produces a log file named for the database, with the suffix .zr. In the log file, each connection to the server is identified by a connection handle.
Because the connection handle is not unique, Sybase IQ assigns its own IQ connection ID, which is displayed in the IQ message file. The IQ message file records the errors, warnings, and tracing information for each connection. Because the two files use different identifiers for the connections, you cannot compare the .zr output with the .iqmsg file and easily locate information for a particular connection.
The following procedure tells how to correlate the identifiers in the two files to find relevant information. For example, assume that the .zr output file is example.zr and the IQ message file is example.iqmsg.
To correlate connection information between the
.zr and .iqmsg files:
In the .zr file, locate a connection of interest, for example:
.conn: 240215640
For example, on a UNIX system:
grep 240215640 example.zr | grep CONNECT
04/19 06:42:06.690 ** REQUEST conn: 240215640 CONNECT 04/19 06:42:07.204 ** DONE conn: 240215640 CONNECT Conn=569851433 04/19 06:46:17.646 ** REQUEST conn: 240215640 DISCONNECT 04/19 06:46:17.670 ** DONE conn: 240215640 DISCONNECT
In the same line, find the number that follows Conn=
In this example:
Search the .iqmsg file for “Connection handle is” followed by that number. For example:
grep 569851433 example.iqmsg
2004-09-19 07:46:57 0000000002 Connection handle is : 569851433. SA connID: 2.User Name is : DBA.
The IQ connection handle in this example is 000000002.
Isolate all the lines from the .iqmsg file for that connection:
grep ' 0000000002 ' example.iqmsg