The dbcc_types table provides the definitions of the datatypes used by dbcc checkstorage. This table is not actually used by the dbcc stored procedures. It is provided to facilitate the use of the other tables in dbccdb, and to document the semantics of the datatypes. Type codes for operation configuration, analysis data reported, fault classification, and fault report parameters are included. If you create your own stored procedures for generating reports, you can use the values listed in the type_name column as report headings.
The columns for dbcc_types are as follows.
To allow for future additions to dbcc_types,
some type_code numbers are not used
at this time.
type_code |
type_name |
Description |
1 |
max worker processes |
Optional – specifies the maximum number of worker processes that can be employed. This is also the maximum level of concurrent processing used. Minimum value is 1. |
2 |
dbcc named cache |
Specifies the size (in kilobytes) of the cache used by dbcc checkstorage and the name of that cache. |
3 |
scan workspace |
Specifies the ID and name of the workspace to be used by the database scan. |
4 |
text workspace |
Specifies the ID and name of the workspace to be used for text columns. |
5 |
operation sequence number |
Specifies the number that identifies the dbcc operation that was started most recently. |
6 |
database name |
Specifies the name of the database in sysdatabases. |
7 |
OAM count threshold |
Specifies the percentage by which the OAM counts must vary before they can be considered to be an error. |
8 |
IO error abort |
Specifies the number of I/O errors allowed on a disk before dbcc stops checking the pages on that disk. |
9 |
linkage error abort |
Specifies the number of linkage errors allowed before dbcc stops checking the page chains of an object. Some kinds of page chain corruptions might require a check to be stopped with fewer linkage errors than other kinds of page chain corruptions. |
10 |
enable automatic workspace expansion |
The flag that enables or disables automatic expansion of workspaces when estimated size exceeds the actual workspace size. |
1000 |
hard fault count |
Specifies the number of persistent inconsistencies (hard faults) found during the consistency check. |
1001 |
soft fault count |
Specifies the number of suspect conditions (soft faults) found during the consistency check. |
1002 |
checks aborted count |
Specifies the number of linkage checks that were stopped during the consistency check. |
1007 |
text column count |
Specifies the number of non-null text/image column values found during the consistency check. |
5000 |
bytes data |
Specifies (in bytes) the amount of user data stored in the partition being checked. |
5001 |
bytes used |
Specifies (in bytes) the amount of storage used to record the data in the partition being checked. The difference between bytes used and bytes data shows the amount of overhead needed to store or index the data. |
5002 |
pages used |
Specifies the number of pages linked to the object being checked that are actually used to hold the object. |
5003 |
pages reserved |
Specifies the number of pages that are reserved for the object being checked, but that are not allocated for use by that object. The difference between (8 * extents used) and (pages used + pages reserved) shows the total uncommitted deallocations and pages incorrectly allocated. |
5004 |
pages overhead |
Specifies the number of pages used for the overhead functions such as OAM pages or index statistics. |
5005 |
extents used |
Specifies the number of extents allocated to the object in the partition being checked. For object 99 (allocation pages), this value is the number of extents that are not allocated to a valid object. Object 99 contains the storage that is not allocated to other objects. |
5006 |
count |
Specifies the number of component items (rows or keys) found on any page in the part of the object being checked. |
5007 |
max count |
Specifies the maximum number of component items found on any page in the part of the object being checked. |
5008 |
max size |
Specifies the maximum size of any component item found on any page in the part of the object being checked. |
5009 |
max level |
Specifies the maximum number of levels in an index. This datatype is not applicable to tables. |
5010 |
pages misallocated |
Specifies the number of pages that are allocated to the object, but are not initialized correctly. This is a fault counter. |
5011 |
io errors |
Specifies the number of I/O errors encountered. This datatype is a fault counter. |
5012 |
page format errors |
Specifies the number of page format errors reported. This datatype is a fault counter. |
5013 |
pages not allocated |
Specifies the number of pages linked to the object through its chain, but not allocated. This datatype is a fault counter. |
5014 |
pages not referenced |
Specifies the number of pages allocated to the object, but not reached through its chains. This datatype is a fault counter. |
5015 |
overflow pages |
Specifies the number of overflow pages encountered. This datatype is applicable only to clustered indexes. |
5016 |
page gaps |
Specifies the number of pages not linked to the next page in ascending sequence. This number indicates the amount of table fragmentation. |
5017 |
page extent crosses |
Specifies the number of pages that are linked to pages outside of their own extent. As the number of page extent crosses increases relative to pages used or extents used, the effectiveness of large I/O buffers decreases. |
5018 |
page extent gaps |
Specifies the number of page extent crosses where the subsequent extent is not the next extent in ascending sequence. Maximal I/O performance on a full scan is achieved when the number of page extent gaps is minimized. A seek or full disk rotation is likely for each gap. |
5019 |
ws buffer crosses |
Specifies the number of pages that are linked outside of their workspace buffer cache during the dbcc checkstorage operation. This information can be used to size the cache, which provides high performance without wasting resources. |
5020 |
deleted rows |
Number of deleted rows in the object. |
5021 |
forwarded rows |
Number of forwarded rows in the object. |
5022 |
empty pages |
Number of pages allocated but not containing data. |
5023 |
pages with garbage |
Number of pages that could benefit from garbage collection. |
5024 |
non-contiguous free space |
Number of bytes of noncontiguous free space. |
10000 |
page id |
Specifies the location in the database of the page that was being checked when the fault was detected. All localized faults include this parameter. |
10001 |
page header |
Specifies the hexadecimal representation of the header of the page that was being checked when the fault was detected. This information is useful for evaluating soft faults and for determining if the page has been updated since it was checked. The server truncates trailing zeros. |
10002 |
text column id |
Specifies an 8-byte hexadecimal value that gives the page, row, and column of the reference to a text chain that had a fault. The server truncates trailing zeros. |
10003 |
object id |
Specifies a 9-byte hexadecimal value that provides the object id (table), the partition id (partition of the table) if applicable, and the index id (index) of the page or allocation being checked. For example, if a page is expected to belong to table T1 because it is reached from T1’s chain, but is actually allocated to table T2, the object id for T1 is recorded, and the object id expected for T2 is recorded. The server truncates trailing zeros. |
10007 |
page id expected |
Specifies the page ID that is expected for the linked page when there is a discrepancy between the page ID that is expected and the page ID that is actually encountered. For example, if you follow the chain from P1 to P2 when going forward, then, when going backward, P1 is expected to come after P2. The value of page id expected is P1, and the value of page id is P2. When the actual value of P3 is encountered, it is recorded as page id actual. |
10008 |
page id actual |
When there is a discrepancy between the page ID that is encountered and the expected page ID, this value specifies the actual page ID that is encountered. (See also, type_code 10007.) For example, if you follow the chain from P1 to P2 when going forward, then, when going backward, P1 is expected to come after P2. The value of page id expected is P1, and the value of page id is P2. When the actual value of P3 is encountered, it is recorded as page id actual. |
10009 |
object id expected |
Specifies a 9-byte hexadecimal value that provides the expected object id (table), the partition id (partition of the table) if applicable, and the index id (index) of the page or allocation being checked. For example, if a page is expected to belong to table T1 because it is reached from T1’s chain, but is actually allocated to table T2, the object id for T1 is recorded, and the object id expected for T2 is recorded. The server truncates trailing zeros. |
10010 |
data-only locked data page header |
Indicates the 44-byte page header for the page where the fault is located. |
10011 |
data-only locked b-tree leaf page header |
Indicates the 44-byte page header for the page where the fault is located. |
10012 |
data-only locked b-tree header |
Indicates the 44-byte page header for the page where the fault is located. |
20001 |
rerun checkstorage reco |
Reruns checkstorage. |
20002 |
indexalloc reco |
Runs dbcc indexalloc with the fix option. |
20003 |
tablealloc reco |
Runs dbcc tablealloc with the fix option. |
20004 |
checktable fix_spacebits reco |
Runs dbcc tablealloc with the fix_spacebits option. |
20005 |
checktable reco |
Runs dbcc checktable. |
20006 |
reorg reco |
Runs the reorg command |
20007 |
no action reco |
This fault is harmless; no action is required. |
30000 |
drop object reco |
Drops the object and re-creates it. |
30001 |
bulk copy reco |
Bulk copies the data out and back in. |
40000 |
check logs for hardware failure reco |
Checks your operating system logs and corrects all reported hardware problems on disks containing a Sybase device. |
40001 |
checkalloc reco |
Runs dbcc checkalloc with the fix option. |
40002 |
reload db reco |
Reloads the database from a clean backup. |
100000 |
IO error |
Indicates that part of the identified page could not be fetched from the device. This is usually caused by a failure of the operating system or the hardware. |
100001 |
page id error |
Indicates that the identifying ID (page number) recorded on the page is not valid. This might be the result of a page being written to or read from the wrong disk location, corruption of a page either before or as it is being written, or allocation of a page without subsequent initialization of that page. |
100002 |
page free offset error |
Indicates that the end of data on a page is not valid. This event affects insertions and updates on this page. It might affect some access to the data on this page. |
100003 |
page object id error |
Indicates that the page appears to be allocated to some other table than the one expected. If this is a persistent fault, it might be the consequence of either:
100004 |
timestamp error |
Indicates that the page has a timestamp that is later than the database timestamp. This error can result in failure to recover when changes are made to this page. |
100005 |
wrong dbid error |
Indicates that the database ID dbid is stored on the database allocation pages. When this ID is incorrect, the allocation page is corrupt and all the indicated allocations are suspect. |
100006 |
wrong object error |
Indicates that the page allocation is inconsistent. The page appears to belong to one table or index, but it is recorded as being allocated to some other table or index in the allocation page. This error differs from page object id error in that the allocation is inconsistent, but the consequences are similar. |
100007 |
extent id error |
Indicates that an allocation was found for a table or index that is unknown to dbcc checkstorage. Typically, this results in the inability to use the allocated storage. |
100008 |
fixed format error |
Indicates that the page incorrectly indicates that it contains only rows of a single fixed length. dbcc checkstorage reports this error. dbcc checktable does not report it, but does repair it. |
100009 |
row format error |
Indicates that at least one row on the page is incorrectly formatted. This error might cause loss of access to some or all the data on this page. |
100010 |
row offset error |
Indicates that at least one row on the page is not located at the expected page offset. This error might cause loss of access to some or all of the data on this page. |
100011 |
text pointer error |
Indicates that the location of the table row that points to the corrupted text or image data. This information might be useful for correcting the problem. |
100012 |
wrong type error |
Indicates that the page has the wrong format. For example, a data page was found in an index or a text/image column. |
100013 |
non-OAM error |
This error is a special case of wrong type error. It is not reported as a separate condition in the current release. |
100014 |
reused page error |
Indicates that a page is reached by more than one chain and that the chains belong to different objects. This error indicates illegal sharing of a page through corrupt page chain linkages. Access to data in either or both tables might be affected. |
100015 |
page loop error |
Indicates that a page is reached a second time while following the page chain for an object, which indicates a loop in the page chain. A loop can result in a session hanging indefinitely while accessing data in that object. |
100016 |
OAM ring error |
Indicates that a page is allocated but not reached by the page chains for the object.Typically, this results in the inability to use the allocated storage. |
100017 |
OAM ring error |
Indicates that the OAM page ring linkages are corrupted. This might not affect access to the data for this object, but it might affect insertions, deletions, and updates to that data. |
100018 |
missing OAM error |
Indicates that dbcc checkstorage found an allocation for the object that was not recorded in the OAM. This error indicates a corruption that might affect future allocations of storage, but probably does not affect access to the presently stored data. |
100019 |
extra OAM error |
Indicates that an allocation for this object was recorded in the OAM, but it was not verified in the allocation page. This error indicates a corruption that might affect future allocations of storage, but probably does not affect access to the presently stored data. |
100020 |
check aborted error |
Indicates that dbcc checkstorage stopped checking the table or index. To prevent multiple fault reports, the check operation on a single chain might be stopped without reporting this error. When an object contains several page chains, failure of the check operation for one chain does not prevent the continuation of the check operation on the other chains unless a fault threshold is exceeded. |
100021 |
chain end error |
Indicates that the end of the chain is corrupted. As a soft fault, it might indicate only that the chain was extended or truncated by more than a few pages during the dbcc checkstorage operation. |
100022 |
chain start error |
Indicates that the start of a chain is corrupted or is not at the expected location. If this is a persistent fault, access to data stored in the object is probably affected. |
100023 |
used count error |
Indicates an inconsistency between the count of the pages used that is recorded in the OAM page and the count of the pages used that is determined by examining the allocation pages. |
100024 |
unused count error |
Indicates an inconsistency between the count of the pages reserved but unused that is recorded in the OAM page and the count of the pages reserved but unused that is determined by examining the allocation pages. |
100025 |
row count error |
Indicates an inconsistency between the row count recorded in the OAM page and the row count determined by dbcc checkstorage. |
100026 |
serialloc error |
Indicates a violation of the serial allocation rules applied to log allocations. |
100027 |
text root error |
Indicates a violation of the format of the root page of a text or image index. This check is similar to the root page checks performed by dbcc textalloc. |
100028 |
page misplaced |
Indicates that pages of this object were not found where they were expected to be from examination of the system tables. This usually indicates that sp_placeobject was used sometime in the past. In the dbcc_counters table, all misplaced pages are counted together, rather than being reported by device and partition. |
100029 |
page header error |
Indicates an internal inconsistency in the page’s header other than the kind described by the other type codes. The severity of this error depends on the type of page and the inconsistency found. |
100030 |
page format error |
Indicates an internal inconsistency in the page’s body other than the kind described by the other type codes. The severity of this error depends on the type of page and the inconsistency found. |
100031 |
page not allocated |
Indicates that dbcc checkstorage reached an unallocated page by following a page chain. This condition might affect access to data stored in this object. |
100032 |
page linkage error |
Indicates that dbcc checkstorage detected a fault with either the next or previous linkage of an interior page of a chain. If this is a persistent fault, access to data stored in the object is probably affected. |
100033 |
non-contiguous free-space error |
Indicates an invalid or inconsistent value for the noncontiguous free space on the page. |
100034 |
insert free space error |
Indicates an invalid or inconsistent value for the contiguous free space on the page. |
100035 |
spacebits mismatch |
Indicates an inconsistency in the page fullness indicator. |
100036 |
deleted row count error |
Indicates an invalid or inconsistent value for the deleted row count on the page. |
100037 |
forwarded rows error |
Indicates an inconsistency between the forwarded rows indicator and the number of forwarded rows on the page. |
100038 |
page header type error |
Indicates that a page header format indicator set incorrectly. |
100039 |
incorrect extent oampage |
Extent OAM page reference is set incorrectly |
100040 |
OAM page format error |
Non-first OAM page has non-zero first OAM page-specific data. |