To connect to 32-bit applications without using a data source, enter an Interactive SQL command like the following at the command prompt:
dbisql -c "UID=DBA;PWD=SQL;AUTOSTOP=no; DBF=C:\Program Files\Sybase\ Adaptive Server IQ 12\asiqdemo.db"
This dbisql command can have the following parameters:
UID — user ID
PWD — password
ENG — engine name
COMMLINKS — tcpip (port=engine_port_number)
DBF — database file name with path
The DBF parameter is used only with embedded databases.
The AUTOSTOP parameter is required. It should always
be set to NO.
When specifying network connections, you need a different engine name:engine_port_number combination
for each database server. The port number must match the one you
use when you start the server.