ODBC conformance

Sybase IQ supports ODBC 3.5.2.

Levels of ODBC support

ODBC drivers manufactured by different vendors may vary widely in the functions they provide. ODBC features are arranged according to a level of conformance. Features are either Core, Level 1, or Level 2, with level 2 being the most complete level of ODBC support. These features are listed in the ODBC Programmer's Reference, which is available from Microsoft Corporation as part of the ODBC software development kit or from the Microsoft Web site. Using your browser, go to the Microsoft Web site.

Features supported by Sybase IQ

Sybase IQ ODBC 3.5.2 support is as follows:

ODBC 3.5.x new features

Although you can use new ODBC 3.5.x features such as descriptors in your ODBC applications, ODBC 2.x applications will continue to work with Sybase IQ.