Be sure to compare your existing params.cfg files with the new default.cfg file created by the installation. The installation does not update or overwrite existing params.cfg files. In each params.cfg file, update parameter defaults that differ from those in the default.cfg file, while maintaining any customized parameter settings appropriate for your system. Be sure that you add any new start-up parameters in default.cfg to your params.cfg file. The -gl parameter, for example, is required for server start-up in version 12.5 and above.
ALTER DATABASE UPGRADE changes many database option settings, including all performance options, to the new default. Some other settings retain their previous value. To see the effect of ALTER DATABASE UPGRADE on your database option settings, you can do any of the following:
To list current settings for all database options, query the SYSOPTIONS system view:
For other ways to list all option settings, see the chapter “Database Options” in the Sybase IQ Reference Manual.
Run sp_iqcheckoptions. This stored procedure displays a list of database options that have been changed from the default value together with the current value of the option and the default value for the connected user. It also displays nondefault server start-up options. For more information, see sp_iqcheckoptions in the chapter “System Procedures” in the Sybase IQ Reference Manual.
Note that the Query_Plan option is ON by default, which can lead to a large IQ message file size.