To upgrade multiplex databases from 12.6 to 12.7, perform the following steps.
Upgrading 12.6 multiplex
Shut down all the servers.
Install Sybase IQ 12.7 on the write server’s system. (See Chapter 1.) On Windows, installation forces a system reboot.
If you plan to run only 12.7 servers, skip to Step 4. To run 12.6 servers in the same multiplex as 12.7, install a 12.7 agent on the write server. The 12.7 IQ plug-in is compatible with 12.6 servers, but you must start 12.6 servers with a 12.6 agent and 12.7 servers with a 12.7 agent.
To install the a standalone 12.7 IQ agent where Sybase IQ 12.6 is installed, run setup.exe. The install procedure detects the existing version and displays the Optional Agent Install screen:
Choose the option Install a standalone Sybase IQ 12.7 Agent (Alt+A) and click Next.
Remove any -n <servername> switch in a params.cfg file used to start a multiplex database.
(Mixed-version multiplex only) Edit the params.cfg file in the database directory on each query server to set the following switch(es):
Set -iqnomain 1
If the query server has local stores, set -iqnolocalreplay 1
You must set these switches before you run ALTER DATABASE UPGRADE and they must still be set when you synchronize query servers.
Disconnect Sybase Central and SQL Remote from the database.
Start the write server in single node mode using the -iqmpx_sn 1 switch. If you use a server name different from the write server name, you must also use the override switch, -iqmpx_ov 1.Use a unique server name that you have not previously used, as follows:
start_asiq @params.cfg -n <upgrade_server> -iqmpx_sn 1 -x 'tcpip{port=<writer_port>}' <dbfile>
You may use the write server’s normal TCPIP port.
Sybase IQ 12.6 and higher releases enforce column and table
CHECK constraints that were previously unenforced, but only on inserts,
updates, and loads of new data. Before you upgrade the database,
Sybase suggests that you follow the procedure in “Preserving check constraints before database upgrade” to record
and recreate constraints.
Connect to the server to be upgraded with dbisqlc or dbisql as DBA. Make sure that no other users connect during the upgrade process. For suggested syntax, see “Upgrading databases”.
Make sure that you have performed the preceding steps in this chapter and installed any available EBFs. For details, see “Finding the latest information on EBFs and software maintenance”.
Upgrade the database by issuing the following command:
If the database you are upgrading was created with the Java options set off, append the keywords JAVA OFF JCONNECT OFF to the preceding command. For more about the ALTER DATABASE UPGRADE statement, see the Sybase IQ Reference Manual.
Reset the SQL Remote configuration by issuing the SQL statements:
call sp_iqmpxdroppublication()
call sp_iqmpxcreatepublication()
To check the multiplex configuration, issue this statement:
call sp_iqmpxvalidate()
It should indicate that dbremote is not running for this server, but there should be no other errors.
Install Sybase IQ 12.7 on each query server system, if not done in advance. Windows systems reboot as part of software installation.
Start Sybase Central, connect, and run Synchronize from the write server.
(Mixed-version multiplex only) Edit the params.cfg file in the database directory on each query server as follows:
Remove the -iqnomain 1 switch
If the query server has local stores, remove the -iqnolocalreplay 1 switch
Restart the query server that you just upgraded.
Perform the ALTER DATABASE UPGRADE and subsequent steps on each query server in the multiplex.
All upgraded servers in the multiplex environment are now running version 12.7.