HASH Distinct operator

The HASH Distinct operator does not require that its input set be sorted on the distinct key columns. It is a nonblocking operator. Rows are read from the child operator and are hashed on the distinct key columns. This determines the row’s bucket position. The corresponding bucket is searched to see if the key already exists. The row is discarded if it contains a duplicate key, and another row is fetched from the child operator. The row is added to the bucket if no duplicate distinct key already exists and the row is passed up to the parent operator for further processing. Rows are not returned sorted on the distinct key columns.

The HASH Distinct operator is generally used when the input set is not already sorted on the distinct key columns or when the optimizer cannot use the ordering coming out of the distinct processing later in the plan.

select distinct au_lname, au_fname
from authors 
where city = "Oakland"


The type of query is SELECT.

2 operator(s) under root

ROOT:EMIT Operator (VA = 2)

    |HASH DISTINCT Operator (VA = 1)
    | Using Worktable1 for internal storage.
    |    | SCAN Operator (VA = 0)
    |    | FROM TABLE
    |    | authors
    |    | Table Scan.
    |    | Forward Scan.
    |    | Positioning at start of table.
    |    | Using I/O Size 2 Kbytes for data pages.
    |    | With LRU Buffer Replacement Strategy for data pages.

In this example, the output of the authors table scan is not sorted. The optimizer can choose either a SORT Distinct or HASH Distinct operator strategy. The ordering provided by a SORT Distinct strategy is not useful anywhere else in the plan, so the optimizer will probably choose a HASH Distinct strategy. The optimizer’s decision is ultimately based on cost estimates. The HASH Distinct is typically less expensive for unsorted input streams can eliminate rows on the fly for resident partitions. The SORT Distinct operator cannot eliminate any rows until the entire data set has been sorted.

The showplan output for the HASH Distinct operator reports that Worktable1 will be used. A worktable is needed in case the distinct row result set cannot fit in memory. In that case, partially processed groups are written to disk.