Restricting query metrics capture

These configuration parameters set the query metrics threshold for capture into the catalog:

These parameters let you filter out trivial metrics before writing metrics information to the catalog.

By default, these configuration parameters are set to 0 (off).

For example, to not capture those query plans for which lio is less than 10, use:

sp_configure ‘metrics lio max’, 10

If you do not set any of these configuration parameters, Adaptive Server captures the query metrics to the system tables. However, if you set any of these configuration parameters, Adaptive Server uses only those nonzero configuration parameters as thresholds for determining whether to capture query metrics.

For example, if you set metrics elap max to a non-zero value, but no others, query metrics are captured only if the elapsed time is bigger than the configured value. Because the other three configuration parameters are set to 0, they do not act as thresholds for capturing metrics.