Managing port attributes

You can add and delete port attributes, or modify the settings or existing attributes in the Structure Viewer window.

StepsAdding attributes to the port structure

  1. In the Design window, right-click the port, and select Edit Structure.

  2. In the Structure Viewer window, select Actions | Add, or right-click the attribute and select Add.

  3. Enter a name for the attribute. The names for port attributes must start with an alphabet character and can contain only alphanumeric characters. It should not be a reserved JavaScript keyword. See “Variables”.

    Select the Populate Attribute option to add the attribute to multiple port structures. The new attribute is added to all port structures participating in the selected connections and is automatically mapped. Click Ok.

  4. Specify the other details.

StepsDeleting attributes from the port structure

  1. In the Design window, right-click the port, and select Edit Structure.

  2. In the Structure Viewer window, select Actions | Remove, or right-click the attribute and select Remove.

StepsModifying port attributes

  1. In the Design window, right-click the port, and select Edit Structure.

  2. In the Structure Viewer window, change the attribute settings, and click Save.

For more information, see “Managing port structures”.

Modifying datatypes

When you modify datatypes of a record structure, you modify the internal logical representation that Sybase IQ ETL uses for the record structure during transformation. This does not change the data structure definition of the source or destination tables. Make sure that the data structure of the final Data Sink is compatible with the content you are generating.