If you use the Bulk Load Sybase IQ component and the project or job takes a long time to execute, check the Sybase IQ console or log. If you see an "out of space" message, you must add another dbspace. The message in the IQ message file indicates which dbspace has run out of space and the minimum number of megabytes to add. If the problem occurs while you are inserting data, you may need more room in the IQ Store. If the problem occurs during queries with large sorts and merges, you probably need more room in the Temporary Store.
This SQL statement adds 100MB of database space to the existing asiqdemo database on Windows:
CREATE DBSPACE asiqdemo2 AS 'd:\\sybase\\ASIQ-12_7\\demo\\asiqdemo2.iq' IQ STORE SIZE 100;
This SQL statement adds 200MB of temporary space to the existing asiqdemo database:
CREATE DBSPACE asiqdemotmp AS 'd:\\sybase\\ASIQ-12_7\\demo\\asiqdemo2.iqtmp' IQ TEMPORARY STORE SIZE 200 ;
For additional information about diagnosing potential
memory problems, see Resource issues in the Sybase IQ
Troubleshooting and Recovery Guide.