You can create data transformation projects without manually entering a single line of programming code or SQL statements. For example, you can:
Generate select statements inside queries, lookup definitions, preprocessing and postprocessing SQL using the Query Designer.
Map attributes between data sources and data sinks using the data mapping features of the links between the components.
Create temporary or persistent staging tables using the built-in Create Table From Port command of the component you are using.
Create tables in the destination database using the built-in create table from port command of the component you are using.
Use the Content Explorer to browse schema information and data content of all connected data sources.
Use the XML via SQL Data Provider component to read hierarchical XML documents and automatically generate a relational structure.
Schedule execution of projects and create jobs within Sybase IQ ETL Development.
Additionally, when dealing with complex data transformation requirements, you can use:
Manually optimized SQL select statements to adjust the data extraction process.
SQL to apply data manipulation commands inside preprocessing and postprocessing commands.
JavaScript to write procedures, perform complex calculations, or manipulate objects in the operating system environment.
Indirection in expressions (Square Bracket Notation) to assign values dynamically to control your projects by using environment or user variables.