Use the Preferences window to customize groups of settings in Sybase IQ ETL Development:
Data Viewer
Query Designer
Select File | Preferences from the main Sybase IQ ETL Development window.
On the Preferences window, select Appearance, and set the following options:
Locale for user interface display – select the locale language for your environment. You can select _de (German), _en_US (US English), or _en_GB (UK English). The default is _en_US.
Show assistant for creating projects – select this option to view the assistant that guides you through the process of completing a project, and displays information on the current state of the open project.
Default font for displaying text – select the font for displaying text file contents in the Text Data Provider and Text Data Sink component windows. This setting is useful when you work with non-Western character sets, such as UNICODE. The default font is Monospaced. The recommended fonts for displaying text are Dialog or Monospaced.
Default font for displaying data – select the font for displaying port data throughout the application. This setting is useful when you work with non-Western character sets, such as UNICODE. If you are installing Sybase IQ ETL Development for the first time, the default font is Dialog. If you had previously installed Sybase IQ ETL Development, the font is set to the previously defined value. Sybase recommends you to set the font to Dialog.
For using the “Default font for displaying
text” and “Default font for displaying data” preferences,
Sybase recommends you to install the files for East Asian languages.
In the Windows Control Panel, click the Regional and Language Options,
select the Languages tab, and then select the “Install
files for East Asian languages” option.
Enabling this option installs the required fonts for displaying
Unicode characters.
Create a new project on startup – select this option to automatically create a new project when you start Sybase IQ ETL.
Create links automatically when components are added – select this option to automatically create links between an existing component and new components added to the project.
Default action on double-clicking a connection – specify whether to open the Mapping window or the Preview window when you double-click a connection during simulation. The Mapping window displays the mapping information and the Preview window provides a preview of the connection data. The default is Mapping.
Display qualified transformation objects – select this option to prefix the owner name to the name of the objects in the Navigator. For example, if this option is selected, a project name appears in the Navigator as:
TRANSFORMER.Demo Character Mapper
where TRANSFORMER is the name of the client user who created the project.
Use unique object names – select this option to enforce unique project and job names on a repository connection.
Show password in component tooltips – select this option if you want the component tooltips to display the password used to log into the underlying database. By default, the password appears in the tooltips as a series of asterisks.
Use enhanced color accessibility – select this option to change the color of the component ports to enhance support for users with color disabilities. Selecting this option changes the default color of the port from yellow to blue, enabling users with color disabilities to distinguish between port states.
Use vertical component layout – select this option to display the alignment of projects and jobs vertically from top to bottom instead of the left to right, which is the default.
Show information dialogs – Unselect this option if you want to perform actions without being interrupted by information prompts.
Number of recently opened projects, jobs, and templates to display – specify the number of recently accessed projects, jobs, and templates you want to view in the Navigator and the File menu.
Open the last repository automatically – select this option to connect automatically to the last logged on repository, on restart.
Select Data Viewer and specify the maximum length of an exported data field. The default value is 255. Data fields longer than the value you specify here are truncated in the export files.
Select Query Designer and set these options:
Enable delete functionality of database objects – select this option to delete all records of a selected table when you right-click the table in Query Designer, and select Truncate Object.
Default number of records to retrieve from the Query Designer – specify the default number of data records to be retrieved by the Query Designer. The default is 25.
Create joins automatically – select this option to automatically create joins between identical attribute names used within tables or views.
Use brackets when creating joins – select this option to automatically surround join clauses with brackets in the generated query. For example, the select statement would appear as:
select * FROM SALES ((<join statement 1>) <join statement 2>)
Default number of recently accessed tables and views to display – specify the number of recently accessed tables and views you want the Query Designer to display in the Recent tab. The default value is 25.
Select Engine and set these options:
Start local engine during application startup – select this option to start the local engine when you start Sybase IQ ETL.
Interval between engine monitor updates (sec)– specify the number of seconds to wait between two updates of the Engine Monitor. The default is 5 seconds.
Rate of simulation (msec) – control the simulation rate by setting Simulation trace delay. Simulation trace delay option accepts values between 10 and 9999 milliseconds. The default is 250 milliseconds.
Grid engine ping timeout (sec) – specify the number of seconds allowed for accessing the grid engine before starting or restarting a local grid engine. The default is 60 seconds.
Interval between progress monitor updates (sec) – specify the number of seconds to wait between updates of the Progress Monitor for a job execution. The default is 5 seconds.
Allow selection of the execution engine – select the option if you want to be able to specify the grid engine to be used for project execution.
Execution engine server – specify the IP address of the primary grid engine server.
Execution engine port – specify the port address of the primary grid engine server.
Click Save. For some of the changes to take effect, you may be prompted to restart Sybase IQ ETL. If you do not restart, the changes take effect the next time you start Sybase IQ ETL.